Today we talk through the process of praxis! Listen in as Tracy helps us try to make sense of this complicated and incredible concept. Here is the visual we used to guide our thinking during this episode:

Other Resources Mentioned:
Dr S.S. Gubbay. 1975. The Clumsy Child: A Study of Developmental Apraxic and Agnosic Ataxia. In Major Problems in Neurology, Vol 5. W.B. Saunders Co
Teresa May-Benson
Bundy, A.C & Lane, S. 2020. Sensory Integration Theory and Practice 3rd Edition. F.A. Davis Company.
Chapter 5 Praxis and Dyspraxia and;
Chapter 8 Assessment of Sensory Integration Functions Using the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests.
Check out this website for courses, webinars and research on Praxis
Ayres, J. A. 1985. Developmental Dyspraxia and Adult-Onset Apraxia. Lecture Prepared for Sensory Integration International. Publisher: Sensory Integration International